Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela( Madiba)

Rolihlahla a Xhosa name that signified that he could be a troublemaker. his clan honorific Madiba associated him with his aristocrafic Thembu lineage[...]Nelson, [...] imprinted his life with the name of one of the imperal Britain's naval heroes.(Ellen Boehmer.Nelson Mandela:A Very Short Introdution.p1) A man who is a hero in his own country, a country whose freedom he had to win. A living legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, The Gandhi(king) of South Africa, as known to the peeple of Burundi. A man who upon release greeted South Africa in the name of "peace, democracy and freedom for all". A father who atfer being politicaly imprison for more than 26 years Said he stood before us all not as a prophet but as a humble servant for all, and "places the remainder of his years in our hands". Mandela a man of steel, an unshakable, an absolute upright man, courageous, heroic, peace upholding, peace resembling and a father not only to me, but to all South Africans." [...] to be free is not merely to cast off one's chain, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others," this is what Mandela says in his poem Our greatest fear is not that we are inadeqeate, but that we are poerful beyond measure. You are the 'maker of your own destiny',and this is what Mandela believed.

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